Sunday, November 27, 2011


So, I'm as obsessed with Pinterest as the next person, and I saw some fun ideas on there for using Scrabble pieces for stuff, and I decided to make some Christmas ornaments. They're nothing special, but they were pretty fun and easy, and it's something I can envision doing with kids some day. When I ran out of the letters that I needed, I just flipped the extras over, painted them, and used puffy paint to write.

I also made a necklace. I'm not sure it's one that I'll wear often, since I don't really wear a lot of gold, but I had the materials for it and I think it turned out all right (although the photo isn't the best).

My Little Sprinter

Ruby likes to run around the back yard--which we discovered when she jumped out of her hutch and took off. She has also invented a little game--she'll let me get within a couple steps of her (or sometimes, even lets me touch her) and then she'll run off a few steps, stop and wait for me to come closer, then run off again. She'll also do her little happy jumps and occasionally, she even abruptly changes directions to jump back at me! She's pretty entertaining :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Ruby Got Mail!

So, a couple of weeks ago, I went out to get the mail and was a little surprised to see an envelope addressed to Ruby...but it turns out Grandma and Grandpa Perry sent their littlest granddaughter a little surprise.

Ruby wasn't exactly sure what to do with her money, but she knew exactly what to do with the cilantro we bought her with the the money. :) Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa!