Saturday, December 31, 2011

What a Year

It's hard to believe another Christmas is here already! I know I think every year goes by pretty quickly, but this year has been especially fast! It's amazing to look back at everything that's happened--Adam's completed his first full-time year with that company that I don't always like very much, we bought our first home and planted our first garden; we got our first pet baby, little Ruby Rabbit Everitt, and we continued falling in love. Not bad, 2011, not bad.

My first "mom" gift :)

Ruby is keeping me warm so I can play with her (by getting me slipper socks).
My little baby

Ruby's gift (a salt block)

Our little family

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Fish...or, someone thinks we're cool!

When I got home from work tonight, I caught a glimpse of this little treasure on our table. Adam told me that it had been taped to our door and that the girls who left it for us were watching and giggling behind their curtain (which conveniently for them, faces our door), waiting for one of us to get home and see it. Cute! I'm only slightly jealous that Adam was the one who got to find it!