Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Clear and Copious

On Friday, I drank a full 8 cups of water in the hour that I was on the treadmill...and in the hour afterwards, had to use the bathroom quite often, and a funny conversation ensued.

Me: "This is the FOURTH time I've gone to the bathroom in an hour."
Adam: "Oh, that's okay; it's supposed to be clear and copious."
Me: "What?"
Adam: "Clear and copious."
Me: "What are you talking about?"
Adam: "Clear and copious. That's what they teach you in Boy Scouts."
Me: "Um, they do? No, they don't, do they?"
Adam (emphatically): "Yes. It's easy to get dehydrated so you have to drink lots of water and then your urine should be clear and copious."
Me (tone of disbelief): "Did they really teach you that?"
Adam (confidently): "Oh, yeah. It's an official Boy Scout lesson."

I'm not sure if it's really official, but it seems to be one that stuck with Adam!

*Since this happened on Friday and I'm just getting around to blogging about it today, I asked Adam if there were any details he remembered, and he quickly said, "Yeah, you laughed at me a lot." Um, true. I certainly did :)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Bathtub Cheese

I just told Adam that I was trying out a slow-cooker tomato basil soup recipe; it called for canned tomatoes but I decided to try fresh tomatoes since very soon we're going to have lots of ripe tomatoes (and Adam doesn't even like them), and I'd like to find something to do with them. I finished off my explanation of this by saying, "Then we can eat lots of tomato soup and grilled cheese."
Adam responded, "And we can make our own cheese."
I said, "Oh, yeah, I actually saw directions for that on Pinterest."
Adam replied, "And we'll make it in the bathtub."
Looking quizzically at my husband, I said, "Why would we do that?"
Matter-of-factly, Adam told me, "So we can make large batches and sell it."
Feeling the need to nip this idea in the bud, I said, "That's so unhygienic," to which Adam quickly responded, "That's why all of those places get shut down, because they make their cheese in the bathtub and it's unhygienic."
Thinking surely he wasn't serious, I said, "What places?" and Adam told me there are lots of them. I still didn't believe him, but Adam insisted I could google this and I'd find lots of stuff on bathtub cheesemaking, so I headed for the laptop, typed in "bathtub cheesemakers" in google, and sure enough, bathtub cheese is a real thing (although not necessarily made in an actual bathtub; it sounds like it can be made in any unhygienic tub/vat).
So, I turned to Adam, who was watching me with an expression that told me he was quite confident that I'd find things about bathtub cheese, and said, "Where'd you hear about bathtub cheese in the first place?"
His answer? "I just thought it was common knowledge." :)

A little later in the evening, we were having a bantering session that would have sounded completely nonsensical to anyone else, and I said, "We're so weird," and Adam quickly countered, "Why? We're not the ones making cheese in our bathtub."