Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Normally, I am not a Halloween person. I don't care about costumes, I've never been trick or treating, and I'd be fine with eliminating Halloween altogether. However, now that I'm a mom, I figure I'll enjoy Halloween for the kids' sake. Plus, it's fun dressing the kids up. So, we had fun with dressing up in our homemade costumes. Since I already had an Egyptian costume from when Rick Riordan visited the library (check out this post if you missed the details on the costume construction), we picked an Egyptian theme. We made a gold cape-thing and took the blue cape-thing from my original costume and gave it to Adam (since it was more manly than the gold one). Adam just wore a large black shirt and shorts to look sort of like an Egyptian tunic thing and spray-painted some chain gold to be a necklace. Zed and Alice got to be mummies. I actually had two white sleepers and hats handed down to me from friends. We took those and sewed strips of old t-shirts to them to make their costumes. They kind of look like they're unraveling a little bit...
Anyway, I think they're the cutest mummies ever and I'm glad Adam was a good sport about helping make the costumes and even wearing one.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

5 Months Old

Zed and Alice are five months old today! (And I'm actually blogging about it already!)
They are both doing well, although they both got their first colds and have been constipated this past week, which has been no fun. However, they have also had a couple nights where they have slept through the night! It's not consistent yet, but Adam and I are pretty excited on the nights that it does happen. It was such a crazy feeling the first time it happened--I wasn't quite sure I believed it!
Zed is still very cuddly and likes to snuggle. He also likes to give kisses, and the other day, as he was kissing me, actually blew a raspberry on my cheek! I think it was just accidental, but when Adam and I started laughing and cheering, then he did it a couple more times. He is still enjoying eating solid foods and will pretty much eat whatever we give him even if he doesn't like the taste. For example, he made faces the entire time I was feeding him apples for the first time, but he loves having stuff in his mouth and just kept eating. I think oatmeal might be his favorite so far. When Zed and Alice "talk", Zed definitely has a deeper voice than Alice, but when Zed shrieks (which he has loved doing this week), he sounds just like Alice. He likes it when we copy him and shriek back, but Adam has a little trouble getting that high! Zed is a happy little guy and we love him to bits.
Alice continues to have lots of energy. She also likes giving kisses, and she'll put her hands on either side of my face (or Adam's face) and then lean in to give us kisses. She also tries to kiss Zed. She doesn't care about her baby food as much as Zed does, but she is getting better at eating what we give her, as long as she doesn't get distracted by how much Zed is laughing as he is enjoying his food. She likes butternut squash the best, I think. She is building up her upper body strength and getting better at holding her head and chest up when she is doing tummy time. The other day she was on her tummy, and I put myself across from her and said, "Push up" and straightened my elbows to show her what I meant, and she actually copied me and straightened her elbows, too. She likes to sit up (with help) to see what is going on around her. She is a little sweetheart and we love her!

One of my favorite things is when one (or both) of the babies wake up and I lean over the crib and see a cute little grin spread across a cute little baby face. There is just something miraculous about those moments and knowing that despite all the things I do wrong as a mother, I apparently do enough things right that Zed and Alice are still happy to see me.