Tuesday, June 3, 2014

One Year Old!

Zed and Alice are one! Crazy! It has been a wonderful/hard/amazing/humbling year. It's so fun to watch them grow and learn new things and see their likes and dislikes and personalities.

As a one-year-old, Zed 29 inches tall and weighs 21 pounds, 12 ounces. He is a blonde still, and looking at baby pictures of his daddy, I can definitely see some resemblances between him and Adam. His eyes are mostly green, with some blue in them. He has two teeth and we expect more any day now. He continues to be our sweet Snuggle Bear and gives great hugs.
Some of Zed's favorite things are:
  • walking laps around the house
  • swinging on the swings
  • riding in his Radio Flyer wagon
  • wrestling with pillows or Mommy or Daddy
  • laughing
  • playing Peek-a-Boo
  • poking Mommy in the eyes
  • eating pancakes!

Alice is 28 inches tall and weighs 17 pounds, 1 ounce. She's so tiny, but she doesn't seem to know that. She can totally hold her own with Zed and is very strong. She's our little brunette and also has mostly green with a little bit of blue eyes. She has two teeth. She is still our sweet little pretty girl and I love the fact that she really likes to sit on my lap a lot lately.
Some of Alice's favorite things are:
  • riding in her Radio Flyer wagon, or the stroller, or a shopping cart, or a box, or a laundry basket, or anything that anyone will pull or push her around in
  • pushing her toy shopping cart or a box or a laundry basket or anything that she decides needs to move around the floor
  • playing in water--she likes the bathtub, her kiddie pool and sprinkler, and the local splash pad
  • walking/almost running, especially when she can leap into Mommy's or Daddy's arms at the end
  • eating pizza (she has actually only done this once, but she loved it and got upset that I wasn't giving her pieces quickly enough!)
  • swinging on the swings 
  • pulling Mommy's hair
  • dancing! She just started doing this recently; she has always enjoyed music but now she is definitely swaying back and forth when she hears it. So cute!
Zed and Alice usually play really well together. Like all siblings, or small children, they do sometimes fight over toys or who gets to sit on my lap, but for the most part they are really good together. It's so fun to hear them giggle and babble to each other and see them reach out for each other. For example, sometimes when they are in their high chairs to eat, they just HAVE to reach out and touch each other's hands or arms for some reason. I love seeing them do laps--they just walk around and around and around. I love seeing them learn and am constantly amazed at the things that they've figured out--just when I think surely I've outsmarted them on something, they prove me wrong. I love holding them and hugging them, and I think they're both perfect in their oppositeness; Zed's my stocky, snuggler boy (and yes, my arms get tired holding him sometimes) and Alice is my tiny, monkey girl, but they're both just right exactly as they are. I love, love, love being their mom. It's been the hardest, most humbling, most amazing, most wonderful experience of my life and I love every little hug and smile and giggle.

Happy Birthday!

How on earth has it been one year (and three weeks, since I'm a little behind in blogging cuz I've been busy living life instead of writing about it!) since Zed and Alice were born???

Zed and Alice got to have two birthday parties, which was lots of fun. We did a star theme, with some dangly star decorations.

We also had cupcakes that we arranged into star shapes.You can kinda see both the blue and pink cupcakes here.

Zed does not look nearly as happy about his cupcake as you'd expect. He was a little nervous having so many people around.

We were worried Alice might try to grab the flame, but she actually didn't even try!

Our handsome little birthday boy! 
And our beautiful little birthday girl!