Saturday, December 13, 2014

19 Months!

I started this post right after Zed and Alice had their 18 month check up, but it's been busy around here with the holidays, so I didn't get anything posted 'til today--when they are 19 months old.
At their check up last month, Zed weighed 25 lbs, 5 oz (66th percentile) and was 33 inches tall (70th). The pediatrician was happy to see that Alice weighed19 lbs, 13 oz (14th--she's in double digits!) and was 31.25 inches (31st).

They both have grown quite a bit since their 15 month check up and they're learning a ton, too! They're both saying quite a few words: Mama, Dada, Zed, Alice, Grandma, baby, shoes, juice, cheese, thank you,  arf-arf, duck, etc. Yesterday and today they've been saying some of their relatives' names: Kylie, Perry, Elyse, Addi, Holly, and Cole. Alice is quite a little talker and says sheep, tights, coat, all done, all gone, more, milk, Mary (which she learned from the Nativity magnets on the fridge), snack, etc. Zed doesn't say as many words as she does, but he definitely understands. He is also SUPER observant; he notices how we do things and is quick to copy or to "fix" things. For example, there is a cupboard in our kitchen that has a door that rolls up and down. I usually have it down, but one day, I had used my stand mixer, which I store in there, and had left the cupboard open. Zed made Adam take him over to the cupboard so that he could shut it! It's interesting to see how he just notices these things--things that I haven't ever pointed out to him or tried to get him to learn.
Zed and Alice both continue to enjoy music and dancing. Alice also likes to sing sometimes and she has a pretty little voice. They like to play outside. Alice especially loves swinging--she's content to swing in her little pink swing for a LONG time--while Zed likes to run around and do lots of things--go down the slide, ride their trike, etc. Lately, Zed's outdoor routine includes asking me for a snack; he thinks it's fun to have me put his snack on his and Alice's picnic table.
Alice and Zed both give terrific hugs--to us and to each other. It's super fun to see when they get in a bear hugging mood and hug each other for dear life.They are so sweet with each other and take good care of each other--like tonight before bed when Zed tried to wrap Alice up in her blankets, or a couple weeks ago in Nursery at church when I left the room and Zed started bawling and Alice tried to hug him.

Adam and I absolutely adore our sweet, beautiful children and are so grateful the Lord has blessed us so richly!