Sunday, March 27, 2011

Markus Zusak!!

(This photo is courtesy of Marie Teemant; the rest are mine.)

Yesterday, Markus Zusak, author of The Book Thief, Getting the Girl, Fighting Ruben Wolfe, and I Am the Messenger, came to my favorite library. I had begged and pleaded to be able to work at the event, and was able to do just that...and ended up working a 13 hour shift! Yikes! However, it was awesome! I got meet Markus just before the event, and he was very gracious and kind, and then he spoke for about an hour, and was funny and charming and delightful. Then, he set about signing books--for over six hours. Each person had a two book limit, but he personalized them all--drawing pictures and writing little messages and such. It was great to see how humble he was; I mean, we have this amazing New York Times bestselling author thanking everyone for being there and just genuinely trying to make everyone happy. As a member of the staff, I had to wait 'til the very end to get my books signed (and my sweet husband waited for several hours to get a couple of books signed for me as well), but it was worth the wait. I definitely hope he comes back--and apparently this was his second-biggest book signing ever, so maybe he will. (He said he'd like to. I'm sure we'd all agree to host him again.)

I hereby proclaim this the best day in my library career. (I also just asked Adam if someday we can name a child Markus Zusak Everitt...we'll see how that goes...and no, we are not expecting.)

Markus's presentation:

Markus signing away

Markus and meA couple brief videos...which don't really have complete stories, but still, they give you a little bit of a feel for how awesome Markus is.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Apartments Woes...or Why We Really Should Buy a House

In January, Adam and I decided it would be in our best interest to move to Spanish Fork, since he works there and has to be at work at 7:30 in the morning. On the other hand, the earliest I ever go to work is 9, so it's easier for both of us if we get a little extra sleep in the morning and I make the commute. Well, we found what appeared to be a great opportunity--a 2 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom townhouse style apartment in SF, all at a discounted rate if we'd be the on-site apartment managers. Well, we went for it and signed a contract with the property management company...and two days after that, got a notice on our front door that the property was being foreclosed and would be going to public auction in February, something that the property owner hadn't bothered to communicate to the property management company.
So, February rolls around, and we hear nothing, until the last Saturday of the month, when a realtor from Zions Bank stops by. I guess no one bought the building at the auction, so now the realtor is trying to find a buyer for it. So, he needs to gather all sorts of information about the apartments and what condition they're in and stuff. (And, during all this, we had one tenant decide to move out.) Since we are the on-site managers, and since Adam was at work and I happened to be home when the realtor stopped by, I have become the contact person for the realtor. I've exchanged many, many phone calls and emails with him, trying to get him all the information that he needs. Additionally, an appraiser had to come do an appraisal, and I spent 3 hours with a locksmith who needed to rekey some stuff and make copies of keys for each apartment. Everyone has been very gracious and has thanked me for being so helpful and stuff, so I'm not complaining about that. It's just very time-consuming...and the being in limbo thing can be very when you need a plumber and you don't know if the bank will pay for it, since they technically own the building right now.

Wednesday night, Adam and I were just finishing up dinner when I heard the garbage disposal in the apartment next door running...and then water started backing up in OUR sink. To make a long story short, the sinks are on the same plumbing system and there was a clog somewhere down the line, so their sinks and ours were backing up. And whatever the neighbor was trying to do to clear the clog wasn't really helping the problem. (We had a Popsicle stick come up through our sink, among other things.) Granted, we weren't solving the problem, either, but at least we weren't making it worse. Now, normally, the owner would be responsible for this...but with the bank owning it, we didn't know what to do. And I haven't actually ever talked to anyone at the bank--just the realtor, the appraiser, and the locksmith. So, I called the realtor and left him a message, hoping he'd get back to me. He didn't respond Wednesday night, so we decided to go ahead and call a plumber before the neighbor could do too much damage. (The neighbors are very nice...just also a little...interesting.) Well, the plumber comes and quotes a rather extravagant price. (Maybe it's what any plumber would charge, but it felt like a lot, especially since we weren't sure the bank would agree to reimburse us.) Well, rather than solving the problem, the plumber broke his snake and couldn't fix it or our clog. So, he left, unpaid, saying he'd send someone in the morning. Well, in the morning, we didn't hear back from them, but the realtor made some early-morning contacts at the bank and got approval for a plumber. So, we called the tool-breaking plumbing company and told them not to send someone, and the bank-sent plumber came, solved the problem, and the bank footed the bill on that. So, it all worked out in the end...but I have to say that all this drama might not be worth the discounted rate we're getting...

New Hobby

Well, earlier in the year, I said I didn't want to read as much because I wanted to spend time developing new hobbies and skills. While I think my REAL new hobby (although not one I'm particularly interested in doing but have had thrust upon me) is dealing with managing apartments that have been foreclosed, the new hobby I enjoy most is making jewelry. So what have I made?

Ten pairs of earrings

Four bracelets

A necklace and earring set

A second necklace and earring set

Sunday, March 6, 2011


My sister and I were chatting on Facebook the other day, and she mentioned not knowing where she and her family were going to end up...and a funny conversation ensued.

Me: Dad thinks you'll end up in Arkansas.
Meredith: Why?
Me: He says you like warm weather.
Meredith: Yeah...I love the south. I always thought I was supposed to be southern. But I can't imagine living in Arkansas.
Me: Oh, okay. That's where Dustin's family is right? [Dustin is her husband.]
Meredith: Yeah, and I'd love to live close to them but Arkansas sucks. I mean, every stereotype you've ever heard about rednecks or Arkansas is completely true.
Me: Gotcha.
Meredith: For example: Dustin paternal grandma married his mother's uncle. Dustin's mother's uncle. I don't even know how to explain it. Dustin's step grandpa is also his great uncle on the other side.
Me: Ew.
Meredith: LOL exactly. His parents met at this guy's funeral.
Me: Wow.
Meredith: See why I don't want to live there?
Me:'d have to let your kids marry each other.