Saturday, April 23, 2011


On Tuesday, we closed on our house; on Thursday, we received the keys and started moving in! It's an older home and needs a little TLC, but overall, we're very happy with it. And the people in the neighborhood seem nice; the Relief Society president stopped by on Thursday and the ward's membership clerk stopped by on Friday. He told me the neighbors' names (which I forgot) and when trash day is and stuff like that. Everyone seems very friendly so far. (And, to my single friends, I haven't seen him yet, but I've been told one of our next door neighbors is a single guy...)

So, come take a photo tour of our house:

Front of house (obviously)
front room
spare room (which is being used as a library/craft room/music room/exercise room)
kitchen/dining room
stairs down to the basement (it's not finished so I didn't bother taking pictures down there)

We also decided it's time to expand our family, Ruby:

Ruby is our tiny little rabbit, and she's adorable and funny. When she's in her box, she stays in one corner, and yesterday when I took her out, she was pretty content to stay in one place as well. However, today, she has already become braver; she will run all over the house, sniffing everything. And she realized that she can jump over some things (like my legs) and squeeze under others, so she has set off exploring everything.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Great Day!

Okay, it's been slightly more than 1 day but...these are all things that have happened recently that make me super happy:

4/2-4/3: General Conference! Loved it, loved it, loved it! And it's gotten me all recharged spiritually and I've been getting more out of my scripture study and prayers, and that just makes life great.

4/4: Adam and I decided to put an offer in on a house; this was the third offer we'd put it, and we didn't really expect much because we were the third offer. (Plus, we didn't get the paperwork back to our realtor 'til about 8 p.m.). So, you can imagine our surprise when less than 24 hours later, the realtor told us our offer had been accepted!!! So, providing all goes well with the inspection and what not, in less than 1 month, we'll be in OUR HOUSE!!

4/6: I found pants that fit me and look good (always difficult; I hate shopping for pants)--and it gets better: it was the ONLY pair I tried on, they were on sale, and I got to use not one but TWO coupons...and spent a grand total of $9.40 for my awesome pants.
To make things even better, I won a book through a blog giveaway, and a work assignment I've been dreading is not quite as bad as I thought. Right now, there are 4 of us who are trying to get sponsors for the library's Summer Reading Program. Well, I couldn't even sell Girl Scout cookies or raise money for my senior trip (by the way, thanks, you remember raising all my money for that?), so you can imagine I'm intimidated by this assignment. But yesterday, I got some prizes from one local business, and when I stopped by the IFA store in Provo to pick up a donation from them, Dennis (my awesome father-in-law) told the manager he should throw in a cuddly fleece blanket, too. So I got 2 donations instead of 1, which puts me a little closer to my goal of 75. And another local business committed to I might survive this assignment after all.

All week: extra time with Adam. Normally I have to close a couple nights a week at work, but since I'm working on this project, I've been able to work earlier hours and get to spend the evenings with Adam. Yay!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Latest Jewelry

These are my latest creations...and perhaps the least gaudy :)