Saturday, April 23, 2011


On Tuesday, we closed on our house; on Thursday, we received the keys and started moving in! It's an older home and needs a little TLC, but overall, we're very happy with it. And the people in the neighborhood seem nice; the Relief Society president stopped by on Thursday and the ward's membership clerk stopped by on Friday. He told me the neighbors' names (which I forgot) and when trash day is and stuff like that. Everyone seems very friendly so far. (And, to my single friends, I haven't seen him yet, but I've been told one of our next door neighbors is a single guy...)

So, come take a photo tour of our house:

Front of house (obviously)
front room
spare room (which is being used as a library/craft room/music room/exercise room)
kitchen/dining room
stairs down to the basement (it's not finished so I didn't bother taking pictures down there)

We also decided it's time to expand our family, Ruby:

Ruby is our tiny little rabbit, and she's adorable and funny. When she's in her box, she stays in one corner, and yesterday when I took her out, she was pretty content to stay in one place as well. However, today, she has already become braver; she will run all over the house, sniffing everything. And she realized that she can jump over some things (like my legs) and squeeze under others, so she has set off exploring everything.


Ammon said...

Looks awesome! Fireplaces are so great.

I have a few rabbit recipes when that one gets a little bigger. Are you going to raise more?

Breanne said...

Congratulations! Michael would kill for your low maintenance front yard! And what a cute bunny!

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