Sunday, May 1, 2011


So, we've had Ruby for just over a week now, and she is adorable and hilarious!
The first day we had her, she was very timid--she would stay in the corner of her box or right next to me. However, since then she has slowly started figuring things out and getting braver; when we take her to a new environment--like a new room in the house or the backyard, she will sniff things out a little bit, then come back to me for some reassurance, then go back out, until she gets brave enough to leave me behind. When she reaches the point where she is ready to explore without coming back to me, it makes me a little sad, but it's also fun to watch her.

The other night, I got home from work and asked Adam how Ruby was ("Good") and then stepped into the living room to see her. Well, she was on the floor, and she and I startled each other; I said to Adam, "Oh, you should have told me she was out!" to which he replied, "I didn't let her out." Turns out, our little Ruby has decided to take running leaps in the box and succeeded in getting out on her own!! So, we've had to tape the box sides up a little higher and keep a closer eye on her. She gets a little riled up in there sometimes and tries to jump out...which is good indication that she needs the chance to run around. But yeah, my shy little rabbit isn't so shy anymore :)

rubbing her ear
licking my hand
rubbing her paws on her face (I'm not entirely sure what the point is, but it's cute)
cutest Easter bunny ever

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