Monday, May 30, 2011

My Little Leaper

Ruby did some new tricks yesterday--she jumped on top of some books on the book shelf and crawled across the top of them, she balanced precariously on a box that wasn't quite flat (because it had a ball inside it), and she did a running leap into my lap! Usually when Ruby and I play, I'll sit on the floor and read; she'll explore things in the spare room, and she'll run behind my back (she especially likes it if I'm wearing something that gives her room to hide in the sags and bags), and she'll sniff around me and then hop into my lap. But yesterday, three times, she came running across the room and jumped straight into my lap, like there was nothing more exciting than jumping up to sit with me! It was super cute...and I don't know how I'm going to go out of town without her for 2 days.

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