Sunday, September 2, 2012

Just a Little Hairy...

Adam teaches the 12 and 13 year old boys at church, which tends to lead to interesting stories...such as this one:
The boys are going to have a Q&A with some of the people in the ward later this week and the boys were writing out their questions. One boy was writing out quite a few questions and asked Adam, "Hey, what's your name?" (Never mind the fact that Adam has worked with this kid for the past EIGHT MONTHS or so...apparently it takes longer than that to learn a name.)
Adam said, "Why? Are you going to write me a personal question?"
The kid said, "No, I just want to know your name."
Adam said, "First or last?"
The boy said, "First."
Another of the boys chimed in, "Brother" (which is the term that we use in the church for the men), and Adam added "Everitt" to help this slightly clueless kid out in remembering who he is.
The first kid (the one who had been asking Adam's name) then provided this lovely piece of information: "Hey, Brother Everitt, your arms look like a Sasquatch."
Adam's response? A simple "thanks".

(My response when he told me the story? I totally laughed out loud.)

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