Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Zed's and Alice's First Christmas!

Okay, I'm waaaaaay behind in blogging, but we've been super busy! But for those who are interested, here's a little bit of our Christmas celebration.

It was super fun getting ready for Christmas this year. I have to say, Adam is not the most fun person to give gifts to--he's always appreciative, but he's not the type to get very excited. And since I end up picking out half of my own gifts, I'm not the most fun, either! But this year, I had tons of fun shopping for Zed and Alice and wrapping their presents. Even though they were a little young to know what was going on, I loved helping them open presents and reading the Christmas story to them.

Here are our stockings, all ready to go!

Christmas tree

Alice and Zed, ready to open their first presents!

 Alice in front of the tree
 Zed in front of the tree

 Alice and Zed with their gifts from Grandma Potter--some fun little bugs and some onesies

 Zed and Alice with their presents from Grandma and Grandpa Perry:  a toy workbench, a box of food (notice what Zed is reaching for!), a toy laptop and a toy kitchen set!
 Zed with his turtle (it crawls and says, "Crawl with me, Baby!")
 Alice with her Laugh and Learn Puppy

Alice and Zed helping me open my present from them: the Willow Tree "Two Together" set--twins! And it's funny, they are just like Zed and Alice--one has his hand in his mouth (like Zed) and one is holding onto her foot (like Alice).

 Zed and Alice with their present for Daddy--a calendar with pictures of them :)
Adam with his griddle...which I was so proud of keeping hidden since, like, July. Turns out, he saw it before Christmas :(

 Alice at Grandma and Grandpa Everitt's house
 Zed at Grandma and Grandpa Everitt's house
 Merry Christmas!

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