Friday, August 22, 2014

Fifteen Months!

I can't believe Alice and Zed are fifteen months old!  Both of them have had a good growth spurt since their 12-month check up.

Zed weighs 23 pounds, 2 ounces (58th percentile) and is about 31.5 inches tall (69%). He has six teeth (four top, two bottom). His hair has been getting darker (he's still blonde, though). He has turned into a little climber and tries to climb on the couches, the rocking chair,  his toys, anything that he can and especially anything we don't want him to be on. He likes to dance, and he is especially good at doing "twirls" (turning in circles). He will sometimes fold his arms for our prayers, although he folds them when he hears "Amen" as often as he folds them at the beginning. He is very good about making sure things go back in their proper place...except for with his toys; those he just wants out! But he's good about putting his shoes and Alice's shoes away and has even recently figured out where to put mine and Adam's shoes--when he's not encouraging us to put them on our feet.

Alice weighs 18 pounds, 5 ounces (12th percentile--yay, double digits!) and is about 29.75 inches tall (28%). She has four teeth (two top, two bottom). Her hair has been getting lighter (she's still a brunette, though). She likes to wave bye-bye and blow kisses and says "Uh-oh" and "thank you" (which mostly sounds like a-oo, but she definitely is saying it in the right context and mimics our intonation). She folds her arms when she hears us say "prayer" or "pray" and sometimes even when we put her in her high chair because she knows we pray before eating. She thinks it's funny to find her belly button; she also knows head, toes, and nose, but belly button is her favorite. She loves to dance, especially shaking her little shoulders, and sings little songs in her sweet little voice. She has a favorite pair of shoes already--her pink sandals with butterflies and flowers on them.

Both of my sweet children continue to bring such joy into my life. I love seeing how they are similar and how they are different. It's funny how almost everything they do is cute, just because they do it (I'm not a big fan of whining, but isn't it funny how your kid can look adorable even with his finger shoved up his nose?). I love seeing them together; they don't always share so well and we're working on "being soft" but those moments when Zed is crying and Alice comes over to stroke his head or Zed leans over to put his head on Alice's shoulder just cuz he loves her just make me melt. Ah, adorable. Love those kids!

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