Saturday, December 31, 2011

What a Year

It's hard to believe another Christmas is here already! I know I think every year goes by pretty quickly, but this year has been especially fast! It's amazing to look back at everything that's happened--Adam's completed his first full-time year with that company that I don't always like very much, we bought our first home and planted our first garden; we got our first pet baby, little Ruby Rabbit Everitt, and we continued falling in love. Not bad, 2011, not bad.

My first "mom" gift :)

Ruby is keeping me warm so I can play with her (by getting me slipper socks).
My little baby

Ruby's gift (a salt block)

Our little family

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Fish...or, someone thinks we're cool!

When I got home from work tonight, I caught a glimpse of this little treasure on our table. Adam told me that it had been taped to our door and that the girls who left it for us were watching and giggling behind their curtain (which conveniently for them, faces our door), waiting for one of us to get home and see it. Cute! I'm only slightly jealous that Adam was the one who got to find it!

Sunday, November 27, 2011


So, I'm as obsessed with Pinterest as the next person, and I saw some fun ideas on there for using Scrabble pieces for stuff, and I decided to make some Christmas ornaments. They're nothing special, but they were pretty fun and easy, and it's something I can envision doing with kids some day. When I ran out of the letters that I needed, I just flipped the extras over, painted them, and used puffy paint to write.

I also made a necklace. I'm not sure it's one that I'll wear often, since I don't really wear a lot of gold, but I had the materials for it and I think it turned out all right (although the photo isn't the best).

My Little Sprinter

Ruby likes to run around the back yard--which we discovered when she jumped out of her hutch and took off. She has also invented a little game--she'll let me get within a couple steps of her (or sometimes, even lets me touch her) and then she'll run off a few steps, stop and wait for me to come closer, then run off again. She'll also do her little happy jumps and occasionally, she even abruptly changes directions to jump back at me! She's pretty entertaining :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Ruby Got Mail!

So, a couple of weeks ago, I went out to get the mail and was a little surprised to see an envelope addressed to Ruby...but it turns out Grandma and Grandpa Perry sent their littlest granddaughter a little surprise.

Ruby wasn't exactly sure what to do with her money, but she knew exactly what to do with the cilantro we bought her with the the money. :) Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa!

Monday, October 10, 2011


On Thursday, October 6, 2011, Gary Schenk, long-time (43 years) Naples High School boys soccer coach passed away. Living 2000 miles away from my former high school, I haven't exactly seen Mr. Schenk really recently, but he's one of those people who makes an impression, and in honor of him, I'd like to share some of my memories and thoughts.

Obviously, Mr. Schenk didn't coach me. I didn't play for the boys' soccer team. But he's one of those ever-present parts of Naples (maybe the MOST ever present part of Naples) that affects everyone. Sharing a soccer field with the boys' team, those of us on the girls' teams certainly got to see (and hear) plenty of Mr. Schenk as he ran across the field with his boys, wearing those little green shorts and reminding his players to "ENGAGE THE BRAIN!" And since he was the boys' high school PE teacher in a school district that K-12 had just over 1000 students when I graduated, of course everyone knew him.

I have always associated Mr. Schenk with my grandfather (Bill Boyle)--not in the sense that he was a grandpa to me, since I didn't know him that well, but a connection to my grandfather that I didn't really have. Grandpa Boyle died when I was 17 months old, so I don't have any memories of him. But before he died, he was pretty much the entire sports department over at the Daily Messenger (local newspaper office), and since Mr. Schenk coached for 43 years, he and Grandpa Boyle knew each other. And maybe that's just a small connection, but it was always neat for me, knowing that Mr. Schenk knew (and respected, as far as I know), my grandpa. And it mattered to me that someone remembered my grandpa, and that I got the chance to be known as Bill Boyle's granddaughter. And, I think the fact that Coach Schenk liked me made me feel like if my grandpa had lived longer, he would have liked who I grew up to be, too.

When Karolyn (one of my younger sisters, if you don't know) got married before I did, Mr. Schenk happened to make a comment about that; he kinda laughed and said, "Oh, she got married first, huh?" And probably anybody else would have gotten at very least a VERY dirty look (or, at most, knocked flat on their butts), but it was okay coming from Mr. Schenk. Why? Well, for starters, he knew which one I was. Growing up in a family of seven kids (five girls), I've gotten a lot of "Oh, you're one of the Perry girls. Which one?" or "There are too many of you to keep track of" or just being called the wrong name. But Mr. Schenk, five years AFTER I'd graduated high school and moved to Utah, knew which one I was. And I also knew he didn't mean it as a judgement, or like there was something wrong with me, or anything like that. I think maybe it was just his way of stating a fact and then dealing with it--a fact's a fact and you move forward.

And one of the reasons I will always love Mr. Schenk: In 2000, the year I graduated and the year he retired from teaching (but not from coaching), he was our Commencement speaker at graduation...and I had to speak, too. As I was walking up to the podium to give my speech, my National Honor Society and Regents and Honors sashes slipped off my shoulder and down to the ground. (I hadn't even thought to bring a pin to keep them in place.) Embarrassed, I hurriedly picked them up and put them back in place, but I kept walking (I guess hoping no one would notice I'd just dropped all my stuff...not exactly logical, but whatever.) Well, I walked right into the microphone, which only added to my humiliation. I gave my speech--and even threw in a little joke about the difficulties of making it to the microphone--but when I headed back to my seat, which of course was in the FRONT row, facing my entire community, I started crying. Not little, dainty tears. Huge sobs. At 17, this was the most embarrassing moment of my LIFE. Well, good old Mr. Schenk, as he came up to give his speech, detoured over to me, to give me a hug and a kiss and tell me, "It's your party, you can cry if you want to." And that's why Gary Schenk matters, why a community will love him forever. Because whether you're his star player, or a former student, or a girl who just experienced her most embarrassing moment, he was the type of man who would pay attention to you and help you in anyway he could.

And so, Coach Schenk, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for noticing me and caring about me.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Green Eggs (but no ham)

On Sunday, Adam and I were just lazing around, just enjoying being able to get a little extra rest, and his stomach growled. I asked what he wanted to eat; our conversation turned to green eggs and ham...and I thought, Why not?
So, I beat some eggs and added a little food coloring...
...fried up some peppers and "green" onions...
...and we had green eggs for breakfast.
Adam says they tasted normal, but I swear mine actually tasted green.
Kinda silly, but it made for a memorable morning, and we enjoyed just being silly together.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

One (Almost) Completed Room

We've been working on finishing one of the rooms in our basement,and after a long process of what felt like one step forward and then two steps back, we are finally done (except that I haven't finished organizing it, and the doors still need their knobs). It has been an interesting adventure to get from where it was to where it is now...

We started with no door, just this open area...
some painted/wallpapered fake wood paneling (but no insulation behind the paneling on the exterior walls) and the world's scariest wiring.
We had to rip down the paneling, and some rotten drywall, and we found some lovely hidden treasures, such as the sink below the stairs...
...and a hole in that we believe was once used for storing nuts.
We did the framing...
...and dealt with the whacky wiring (and believe me, this long, tangled cable cord was the best example of "wiring" in the room...I think we're lucky the house hadn't burned down).

We painted...
...and we thought that we were almost done...but then we got moisture and mold behind some of the paneling (although where the water was coming from is a mystery, as of yet unsolved.) So down came the paneling, as well as some of the insulation, and up went some weird moisture-resistant foam stuff and new paneling.

And finally, a finished, albeit not quite organized, room!
And, with my newly finished room, I decided it was time to get busy with a here it is!

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Ethan and I did some painting while he was staying with us...and despite what these pictures make it look like, we did actually get some paint where it was supposed to go.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

This Old House

Besides a sink walled up underneath our stairs, Adam found another little treasure in our basement. This hole is underneath our outside stairs up to kitchen door. We think, given the evidence of old walnuts, that it was once used as a storage space, but then at some point, someone boarded it up and put drywall over it...except that they didn't use treated wood or anything, so the wood rotted and the drywall got all wet and yucky, too. So, we had to rip it all down and remove it and seal it up.

It's not quite as funny as the sink under the stairs, but it's still interesting to see what sorts of little surprising keep popping up as we're trying to finish the basement.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Latest and Greatest

I made a new necklace this week, and I think I like it the best out of all the jewelry I've made. (It looks better in real life than it does in the picture.)

Silly Rabbit

Ruby is hilarious! She has certainly kept me entertained over the past few days.

Today, she was literally running circles inside her cage. She also kept grabbing a hold of her "litter box" (which is really an old square cake pan) with her mouth and dragging it back and forth around her cage.

She likes to jump up on EVERYTHING. Currently, since it's wet outside and she needs to run around, we're in the sewing room, and she keep jumping up on all the boxes (we haven't completely unpacked) and trying to eat the cardboard...even though I have carrots out for her.

My personal favorite story: On Saturday, I put Ruby on her leash (which we attach to a spike in the middle of the back yard) so she could run around or dig under the apple tree or whatever. While I was out there, I thought maybe I'd just jog around the yard, even though it's pretty small. So, I started jogging laps around the yard, and my cute rabbit kept running after me! It was SOOOO funny. I was worried I might actually startle her, but I guess not because she kept running around with me. :) Totally made my day.

My Not-So-Great Idea

Adam and I have a bunch of material, and a sewing machine, and a pretty good amount of free time. So while Adam has been working in the basement, I decided, hey, why don't I sew something? I read up on rag quilts on the internet and everyone seemed to insist that they are SOOOOOO easy. Well, either everyone lied or I'm completely incompetent...

My rag quilt ended up being quite the project. I'm not that great at sewing, I'll admit, but seriously, when the unknown internet people talked about how easy it was, why didn't they mention that it's NOT at all easy to try to use denim because your seams get super fat and you will break....SEVEN (yes, seven) sewing machine needles trying to sew your quilt?

Anyway, it didn't turn out nearly as good as I'd hoped...and I'll be a little more wary of internet instructions from now on.

Oh, well...flaws and all, here it is.



Monday, July 25, 2011

Mona Fireworks

Most people have never even heard of little Mona, Utah, but they have about the best fireworks I've ever seen. For Pioneer Day, they put on quite a nice fireworks show. My only complaint is that it only lasts about 15 minutes...but it's sure fun to watch while it lasts.

Bunny Baby

Ruby and her "daddy"...awww...
She used to be the size of my hand...