Sunday, June 26, 2011

Basement Fix Up

We've started working on our basement, starting with what will be our "everything" room (crafts, music, etc.).

This is how it looked at first: fake wood paneling...which might not be so bad if there were actually insulation underneath it, but there wasn't. Also, there's one outlet for the whole room...
Adam pulled down the paneling and drywall and everything...and made an interesting discovery under the stairs...yes, that is a sink...because naturally, when you build a house, you hide a spare sink under the stairs, behind the drywall. Right?
This is where we started, with bare walls and lots of work to do.
This is what we got done: framing for one wall. Doesn't seem like a lot, but hey, it's progress. And I got to measure, hammer, and use the radial saw.

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