Sunday, July 29, 2012


People think Adam is so quiet, but he's really not, and he has an absolutely hilarious sense of humor. Besides his famous "it's a car, not a boat" story, here are some things he's done that have given me a good chuckle.

For the past few days, whenever I've gotten a cut or a scrape (which happens more often than you'd expect), Adam has been spraying some sort of antibacterial spray on it. Well, today, I happened to see the label on his magic spray, noticing first that it says, "Used by Veterinarians" and then that it says, "For animal use only!" Adam's explanation? "Well, we're animals."

The other day, I mentioned to Adam that I'd seen a job description that talked about wanting someone fun and easygoing, complete with the ability to dodge foam darts. I said, "How would you even put that on your resumé?" Adam said, "Excellent dodge ball skills?" and then paused for a second and said, "Do they want Napoleon Dynamite or something?"

While watching the Olympics, "Why didn't they have Harry Potter at the Olympics? He should have lit the torch with his wand." Well, I posted that as my facebook status and then later reported that people liked my status and think he's funny. He said, "I'm serious. They should have had him fly in there on his broom and light it." (Btw, he's not really a big Harry Potter fan...but I am, and I like how he incorporates Harry Potter into quite a few of our conversations.)

I was trying to take a picture of Adam, but when I looked at the image afterwards, I had to let him know that he'd been talking during the picture, to which he promptly responded, "No, I don't talk."

Adam playfully squished me one day, and I said, "Hey, you're not supposed to belly flop your wife." Without missing a beat, Adam said, "Hm. It didn't mention that in my book." What book, you ask? Adam's favorite:

1 comment:

Rita said...

hahahahahahaha! Can't get enough! Keep on going please!

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