Monday, July 22, 2013

More Adam Stories

Adam: "I hope a vacuum salesman comes to our house. Maybe I'll take down the 'no soliciting' sign."
Me: "Um, why?"
Adam: "So they can give us their whole spiel and then we can point out to them that we have hardwood floors. It'd be funny."

At the store, I pointed and said, "Man, look at those granny panties!"
Adam, having seen what is out there for pregnant women to try to cover our bellies, quickly said, "Um, those aren't granny panties; those are mommy panties." Sadly enough, pregnancy clothes do sometimes resemble granny clothes.

Adam: "Do you think I should watch some c-section videos online to prepare in case you have to have one?"
Me (alarmed, since this man's one fear in life is needles/doctors/hospitals...and since at our childbirth class, he got lightheaded and had to lie down when they talked about epidurals): "NO!"
Adam: "Are you sure?"
Me: "Uh, yeah. Don't even think about it!"

Adam and I were watching an episode of Duck Dynasty online, and a commercial came on for Always pads.
Adam quickly observed, "This is kind of an odd commercial to show during this show. It's not exactly geared toward their target audience." Good point...redneck hicks and feminine pads...kind of an odd combination.

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