Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Two Years Old!

Zed and Alice turned two in May, which is just crazy to think about.

At two, Alice:

  • has brown eyes and brown hair
  • it still on the small side--she was 32.3 inches tall and 22.2 pounds at her two-year check up
  • loves to sing--she will sing songs around the house and she makes up songs of her own and she frequently requests songs from Mommy, with her favorites being "The Wheels on the Bus" and "I Love to See the Temple"
  • knows her colors and loves to find things that match--a pink chair matches her pink shirt, and so on. While she mostly matches with colors, she will occasionally match other things; for example, a picture of a dog in a book matches her stuffed dog
  • likes to "go walking"--she loads up her doll stroller with as much stuff as it can possibly hold and then walks from one end of the house to the other, and sometimes she recruits Zed, too; she tells him to get the toy shopping cart so he can "go walking"
  • loves to eat noodles and cheese--but she is particular on the color; if we give her white cheese and she wants "orange cheese" instead, she will be sure to correct us
  • talks and talks and talks and talks--and if I tell her I need "peace and quiet for a few minutes," she is quick to tell me, "No peace, no quiet."
  • likes to go to the park and "swing up high" and go to the library and play in the swimming pool
  • likes to give BIG kisses; she grab our faces in both hands and pull us in for a big kisses

At two, Zed:

  • has hazel eyes and blonde hair that is getting darker
  • is average in size--he was 34.5 inches tall and weighed in at 27.8 pounds at his two-year check up
  • likes to climb on things and roughhouse
  • likes green; he knows other colors as well, but he seems to get the most excited about green things
  • does not like it when we stop at red lights or stop signs; when we do stop, he urges us to "Go, go" and when we tell him the light is red, he likes to tease us and insist that it's green
  • likes his routines; for example, on Sundays, we usually share a pew with our friends the Waltons, and if they aren't there, or if they just haven't arrived yet, Zed will say "Ella" and "Audrey" over and over and over again, asking where they are
  • likes to dance and thinks it's fun to turn on the radio all by himself and start dancing
  • likes to yell! He just yells for fun sometimes, over and over
  • likes to splash in the swimming pool and go to the library
  • gives super awesome bear hugs
Both Alice and Zed continue to keep us laughing and shaking our heads at their antics. Adam and I ask ourselves on a regular basis, "Where do they learn these things?!" We love seeing how sweet they are with each other--like if one of them gets hurt, quite often the other will come over to offer a hug or a kiss. Of course they have their moments when they fight over toys or who gets to sit in which car seat or whatever, but usually they are pretty nice to each other. I guess I'm probably biased, but I think they're the cutest kids ever :)

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