Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Two and a Half Years Old!

It's hard to believe that Zed and Alice are 2.5 years old--it doesn't seem like it was that long ago that they were born. On the other hand, they seem to grow and learn more every single day, and sometimes it blows my mind that a little 2 year old can do and say the things they do and say.

At their check up this past week, Zed was 35.9 tall (50th percentile) and weighed 30.8 lbs (63rd); Alice was 35.4 inches tall (50th) and weighed 24.4 lbs (7th). The doctor was quite impressed that Alice had grown THREE inches in six months and that she'd hit the 50th percentile for height.

At two and a half Zed:
  • loves to do things "all by my own self"--he gets dressed on his own and even tries to do a belt all by himself (he still needs a little help but he's determined to try it on his own every single time) 
  • loves to color--he'll color for hours sometimes, and if Alice isn't coloring her pages, he volunteers to help 
  • doesn't like to listen--he definitely has a mischievous streak and even once responded, "Listening is hard!" when Adam asked him if he was listening
  • likes doing puzzles; that's another activity he'll do for long stretches of time and he's getting really good at doing even more complex puzzles 
  • likes to make noises all day long--and ask "What's that noise?" or point out "I making noises!" to ensure that we notice 
  • likes to make pancakes and waffles--he asks on nearly a daily basis to make "pampcakes and waffles"
At two and a half Alice:
  • likes to repeat everything we say; she is very good at giving detailed explanations of things (if you be naughty, you go to time out and Mommy be sad and Daddy be sad and...and..and...)  and gives reports on what happened each day
  • loves to read books and go to story time at the library 
  • likes to sing and make up songs 
  • likes to snuggle--she is an early riser and comes to snuggle with Adam every morning when she gets up 
  •  likes to push her stuffed dog around the house in a stroller or shopping cart
  • likes to hoard things--she loads up her purse and stroller with everything she can possibly fit in there!

We are working on potty training (kind of) and it's exhausting (for me at least). Alice and Zed like weekly visits to the library, like it when their friends Henry or Ella come over, and like playing with their cousins (although they are disappointed that Perry and Kylie are in school and therefore aren't around to play as much). They are learning to say their prayers and listen when we read scriptures. They like to sing "I Love to See the Temple" and "The Wise Man and the Foolish Man." They like to give hugs and kisses--to us and to each other. They are super, terrific, wonderful kids, and we love them so much!

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