Thursday, May 2, 2013

Pregnancy Update

We hit the 36 week mark yesterday, which is great. One more week and the babies will be considered full-term--and since 50% of twins are born by 36 weeks, we're doing pretty darn good.

The babies are healthy and active. I have to do a non-stress test at the hospital every week, and they have had good heart rates at each of those. Funnily enough, it's always easier to get the boy hooked up to the monitor; the girl squirms and moves and kicks the monitor. One of the nurses told me that she's going to be pretty feisty. And then, we found out this week that although the boy is bigger in most measurements, the girl weighs more. So, it sounds like we've got a skinny, calm boy and a round, feisty girl...or in other words, pretty much a mini-Adam and a mini-Adrienne. Both babies weigh over 5.5 pounds, so they're doing good.

Adam and I have actually put together a list of baby names! Granted the lists are like 30 names long, but we're working on narrowing them down, and by the time the babies come, we should hopefully have a better idea of what these kids are going to be named.

I am still on bed rest, although I'm hoping next week when I hit 37 weeks, they'll take me off bed rest and let me try to have the babies, instead of telling me to try not to have the babies.

We're kind of up in the air as to whether we will have to have a c-section or not. In order to do a vaginal delivery, we need the placenta to be at least 2 centimeters away from the cervix and we need at least Baby A to be head down. At our appointment this week, the placenta was 1.6 cm away from the cervix and both babies were breech. So, if we go into labor or have bleeding or anything before our next appointment (on May 9), we definitely have to have a c-section. If we make it to our next appointment and the placenta hasn't moved, we will have to do a c-section, which will likely be scheduled for May 17...or will happen earlier if I go into labor on my own before then. If we make it to our next appointment and the placenta has moved at least .4 cm and Baby A is head down, then we can try for a vaginal delivery...which would happen whenever I went into labor, or, if I have to be induced, somewhere around May 22-May 24.

With all of that, this would be my ideal situation: we make it to the next appointment, the placenta has moved and Baby A is head down so we get to try to for a vaginal delivery...and then I go into labor anytime between May 9 and May 14, we deliver, and we're home just in time for my mom to get here to help. I can't imagine having to go until May 24; I'm already huge and sore and I don't want to get much bigger or hurt more! I also don't want to have to have a c-section because then I have to wait until after I'm all stitched up to hold the babies and that takes an HOUR or more! I want to be able to hold them right away!

Who knows what will actually happen, and what I want the most is for the babies to have whatever they need, but if it's all the same to them, I'm hoping for a vaginal delivery between the 9th and the 14th. It'll be interesting to see how it really plays stay tuned!

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