This is just a quick post to explain how we ended up having the babies when we did; other posts will surely be forthcoming and more eloquent and detailed (and past posts will provide context if you're unfamiliar with other details).
After having our appointment on Thursday cancelled and rescheduled for today, I waited anxiously for our appointment at 10 a.m. today. I told Adam that the best thing that could happen was that we'd get to the appointment and Dr. Anderson would say we could do a vaginal delivery and "oh, by the way, you're very dilated; go to the hospital now." I didn't think that was very likely, but before heading to my appointment, I made sure my hospital bags were in the car and everything was ready to go on the very slim chance that we'd get to deliver the babies today.
Well, it didn't happen quite as I'd hoped--what he said was, "If the placenta hasn't moved, do you want to have a c-section today?" I quickly said, "YES!" and he started to take a look; before he looked at the placenta, though, he looked at positioning. Both babies were breech, and we needed at least Baby A to be head-down in order to do a vaginal delivery. So, Dr. Anderson said, "Well, that answers that question"--we needed to do the c-section. He then called the hospital to get things set up, and we went directly from his office over to the hospital and get checked in and started the process to have a c-section at 1:00. which left us just enough time to text/call a couple of family members and for Adam to call work to tell them he wasn't coming back in after the doctor's appointment. With the paperwork and medications we needed to do,1:00 was the earliest that they could have gotten us in, and it worked out just perfectly.
Zedekiah James was born at 1:26 p.m., weighing in at 6 pounds, 2 ounces, and he was 19 inches long. He was quickly (at 1:27 p.m.) joined by his sister, Alice Raiella, who was 6 pounds, 4 ounces and 18 inches long.
Adam and I are absolutely thrilled...and perhaps we are slightly biased but we're pretty sure we have the cutest babies in the world. There aren't even words to describe how happy we are to have these little ones :)
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