Friday, December 17, 2010

I'm D-O-N-E!!!

I'm done!!! And so, I begin.

I am officially done with....GRAD SCHOOL! Yay! My husband and I both finished up school this week; he got his bachelor's degree in business, and I am now a Master of Library and Information Science. Technically, we are still waiting for waiting for some grades, but things are looking pretty good. (Actually...Adam might not be waiting for grades; he might already know but hasn't told me...he has a tendency to do that.) So, I'm still waiting for the official end of my semester, and my diploma, but I think it's safe to say that I'm a "master." So, what did I master over the course of my time at UWM?

  • Foundations of Library and Information Science
  • Organization of Information (where we talked about exciting things like metadata)
  • Information Access and Retrieval
  • Research Methods in Library and Information Science
  • Children's Literature
  • Young Adult Literature (favorite class; it was awesome)
  • Reference Services
  • Managing Library Collections
  • Cataloging (This class almost made me go blind; my eyes hurt every day--and Adam had to proofread my midterm to see if I'd typed up exactly what I'd written out on my paper because I literally couldn't read)
  • a fieldwork project (in which I revamped my library's Young Adult nonfiction collection)
  • Multicultural Children's Literature (which is one of the most eye-opening classes I've ever taken)
  • E-publishing and Web Design (in which I designed my own website...sweet!)
I also took and passed a Comprehensive exam, which was pretty scary at the time, but since I took it awhile ago, it doesn't seem so scary anymore.

So, what does being done with school mean for us? Well, it means Adam starts a new job on Monday...and I keep my current job at my favorite public library. And it means we have time for hobbies, which I vaguely remember having before. And it means blogging can be one of my, off I go on whatever random tangents I so choose.

( tangents actually usually aren't random; they are COMPLETELY related to something that someone said or that I read or something. There really is a connection in my brain somewhere.)

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