Friday, December 17, 2010

Sad News--Provo Tabernacle Burned

The Provo community has suffered a loss today--the historic Provo Tabernacle caught on fire sometime in the early hours of the morning, and after several hours of burning, the windows are all burned out, some of the walls have collapsed, and the roof has collapsed. At this point, the news stories are reporting that they are anticipating a total loss of the building. Originally built in 1896, this building has been a gathering place for LDS church meetings, meetings of other denominations, cultural events, and more.

As I reflect on this building, there's not any one special meeting I've been to that stands out--I've been to stake conferences and concerts, and while they were all good meetings, there isn't one that really makes the building especially memorable for me. However, the building holds a great deal of significance for me; it represents the faith and dedication of so many people who used their time and resources to build this structure, to create a place for their people to ga ther and worship God. The building was beautiful, truly beautiful, and I appreciate the effort that went into building it. I think for me, it symbolizes their desire to do God's work and build His kingdom on the earth, one building at a time, and one person at a time.

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