Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Visiting Ethan

Me and my little bro

My two favorite guys--aren't they cute?

My little brother (the baby of the family...who just turned 21! Yikes!) is serving a mission right now for our church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), and he just happens to be serving in Salt Lake City...which is all of 40 minutes away from where my husband and I live. So, we got special permission to stop by and see him, and Friday night, we headed to SLC to visit Ethan and to deliver Christmas presents. We volunteered to deliver presents for the rest of the family, rather than everyone having to pay shipping costs, and a lot of people took us up on that offer, so we delivered 4 boxes and 1 bag worth of Christmas presents. (We were assisted by Adam's parents, who were nice enough to help us carry Ethan's many packages, and take pictures, and in the case of my mother-in-law, give Ethan a hug, saying she'd want someone to hug her sons. Aw, sweet!)

It was great to get to see Ethan, and it's especially great to see how well he's doing and how much he's growing up. Of course, now I'm tempted to use some of my newly acquired free time to sneak back up to SLC and visit again...

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