Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sandwich Snatcher

On Monday, my sister and 2 nephews came to visit, and we had a fun time. At lunch time, I spread out 8 slices of bread and started assembling peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Well, Skyler, who is 3, came over and stuck his tongue into the peanut butter spread onto one slice of bread. I told him that one was going to be my sandwich (because I wanted to eat the crust), but he was unfazed by that, I think. So then, I spread the jelly, and he thought that one sandwich was "funny"--he apparently liked the way the jelly was spread on that one. I finished assembling the sandwiches, and he said he wanted the "funny" one. Well, the funny one was NOT the one that he had already licked, so as he started to reach for it, I picked it up, took a bite out of it, and said, "That one is mine." I think he was a little startled by that...and perhaps it wasn't the most mature way to solve the problem, but it did solve the problem and he was content with his un-funny, previously-licked sandwich.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Midnight Visitors

Okay, it wasn't exactly midnight (10:53, to be exact), but Adam and I were sound asleep last night, when we heard our names being called out. Our landlord and the handyman are standing on the other side of our door--the door to our BEDROOM, not the door to the apartment. Apparently the apartment below ours was having a flooding problem, so they needed to shut off our water and the water in the apartment above ours. And they tried calling us on the phone, but Adam's phone was on vibrate and we slept right through it--all six times! So, the landlord and handyman let themselves into the apartment and had to try not to scare us to death. And, the thing is, we weren't scared, and we responded quickly and rationally, and I went right back to sleep afterward, but I have to many times did they have to call our names inside our own apartment before we woke up?!?!

Monday, January 10, 2011

My Startling New Year's Resolution

I don't want to read as much.

GASP! Yes, I really said it. I even put it in print. I don't want to read as much.

I spend a lot of time reading, and lately I've realized I spend too much time reading stuff I don't even like. I'm always on a quest for a great book...but in that quest, I spend a lot of time reading books that aren't that great at all. So, I hereby resolve to better trust my instincts and stop reading a book when I realize I don't like it, rather than forcing myself to finish, hoping it will get better. Well, even if it "gets better" at the end, is a good ending enough to make up for a crummy beginning and middle? I've decided NO, it does not. Hence, I will stop reading crummy books as soon as I realize they are crummy, rather than suffering through them in their entirety.

Also, I've come to realize that maybe it's time to develop other talents and interests. I already know how to read; I'm pretty good at it. :) But there are lots of other things I'd like to learn how to do that I probably will never get around to if I keep reading so much.

And so, I hereby resolve to spend less time reading crummy books and more time pursuing other interests and developing other talents.

(Wow, that was kinda painful...maybe because I started a really good book on Saturday!)

Best Movie Kisses

I'm not exactly a big movie viewer (although that may be more due to the fact that the movie theaters rip you off with their prices than anything else; I do enjoy checking movies out from the library and watching them), but Adam and I actually watched two movies this weekend: Amazing Grace and Penelope. (Yes, I tend to be a few years behind the rest of the world when it comes to watching movies.)
I thoroughly enjoyed both, and I particularly enjoyed the kissing scene in Penelope. There was just something about the look on Johnny Martin's face, the way he spins Penelope around and lays one on her that I thought was so cute. So, that made me think about other great movie kisses. As I mentioned, I don't necessarily see a whole lot of movies, but these are my top three:

1. Mr. Thornton and Margaret in North and South
2. Lizzie and the stranger in Dear Frankie
3. Johnny Martin and Penelope in Penelope

are other great on-screen kisses that I'm missing?


This morning, Adam had toast with butter and jelly; a little later, I decided I wanted toast with peanut butter. As I was rinsing the jelly off the knife so I could put it in the peanut butter, it occurred to me that perhaps I have some OCD tendencies about PB&J.

I wouldn't rinse the peanut butter off the knife before putting it in the jelly, but apparently putting a knife with jelly in the peanut butter is unacceptable. Perhaps this is because I always, always, always when making PB&J start with the peanut butter. Always. I spread the peanut butter on one slice of bread, wipe any excess peanut butter on the other slice of bread, then spread the jelly on top of the peanut butter on the first slice of bread, wipe the excess jelly on the rim of the jelly jar, and apply the second slice of bread to the top of my freshly PB&J-ed slice of bread. Viola. I'm not entirely certain why it has to be done in that precise manner, but it does.

Anyone else have PB&J OCD?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year

I am not particularly thrilled about starting a new year...and the only reason I really have for that is that I don't like odd numbers as much as I like even numbers! Weird, I know, but somehow 2011 just doesn't have the same ring to it as 2010 does. Oh well, 2011 is here and I'm sure it'll be a great year. It's started off well--Adam and I have been spending time with his parents and siblings for the past couple of days and having a nice time.
We went and saw Tangled today, and I liked it...although in my multicultural children's lit class last semester we discussed the "evil empire" (Disney)--they have some issues that definitely need to be considered, such as stealing the Lion King storyline, promoting racism and stereotypes (such as in Aladdin), and gender issues (and honestly, pretty much every Disney movie could be considered to have gender issues), so part of me is wary of Disney right now. It'll be interesting to see what conversation and criticism this movie generates.
The obvious topic of conversation here would be what resolutions I've made...but I haven't made any. I'll have to sit down and think up some goals, but at the same time, I actually do that fairly regularly so I'm not feeling an urgent push to do that right now. But here's hoping 2011 will be a fabulous year--it could be the best one ever, since Adam and I will finally have NO SCHOOL and be able to spend more time with each other.