Thursday, January 13, 2011

Midnight Visitors

Okay, it wasn't exactly midnight (10:53, to be exact), but Adam and I were sound asleep last night, when we heard our names being called out. Our landlord and the handyman are standing on the other side of our door--the door to our BEDROOM, not the door to the apartment. Apparently the apartment below ours was having a flooding problem, so they needed to shut off our water and the water in the apartment above ours. And they tried calling us on the phone, but Adam's phone was on vibrate and we slept right through it--all six times! So, the landlord and handyman let themselves into the apartment and had to try not to scare us to death. And, the thing is, we weren't scared, and we responded quickly and rationally, and I went right back to sleep afterward, but I have to many times did they have to call our names inside our own apartment before we woke up?!?!

1 comment:

Karolyn said...

That is so funny! I think I would have had a heart attack.

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