Monday, January 10, 2011

Best Movie Kisses

I'm not exactly a big movie viewer (although that may be more due to the fact that the movie theaters rip you off with their prices than anything else; I do enjoy checking movies out from the library and watching them), but Adam and I actually watched two movies this weekend: Amazing Grace and Penelope. (Yes, I tend to be a few years behind the rest of the world when it comes to watching movies.)
I thoroughly enjoyed both, and I particularly enjoyed the kissing scene in Penelope. There was just something about the look on Johnny Martin's face, the way he spins Penelope around and lays one on her that I thought was so cute. So, that made me think about other great movie kisses. As I mentioned, I don't necessarily see a whole lot of movies, but these are my top three:

1. Mr. Thornton and Margaret in North and South
2. Lizzie and the stranger in Dear Frankie
3. Johnny Martin and Penelope in Penelope

are other great on-screen kisses that I'm missing?


Karolyn said...

I haven't heard of any of those 3... so maybe you're not so behind ;) My favorite on-screen kiss is in Miss Congeniality. The one at the end of the movie (I don't even remember if there is more than one). Loved it.

MN said...

I am so glad you included Lizzie and the stranger from Dear Frankie. That is one of my favorite movies. I didn't realize you knew it as well.

KK said...

Favorite: John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara from the film The Quiet Man. When he walks into his house and she is there. He kisses her, she slaps him, then she kisses him. It is such a classic scene that put it in the film E.T.

Other favorite movie kiss: Some Kind of Wonderful when Keith "practice" kisses with Watts. The music, the dialogue, the reactions, perfect.

Adrienne said...

@MN--Dear Frankie is one of my faves!! Love it!
@KK--I haven't seen The Quiet Man, but Some Kind of Wonderful is my favorite '80s movie--and definitely a kiss worth adding to the list!

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