Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sandwich Snatcher

On Monday, my sister and 2 nephews came to visit, and we had a fun time. At lunch time, I spread out 8 slices of bread and started assembling peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Well, Skyler, who is 3, came over and stuck his tongue into the peanut butter spread onto one slice of bread. I told him that one was going to be my sandwich (because I wanted to eat the crust), but he was unfazed by that, I think. So then, I spread the jelly, and he thought that one sandwich was "funny"--he apparently liked the way the jelly was spread on that one. I finished assembling the sandwiches, and he said he wanted the "funny" one. Well, the funny one was NOT the one that he had already licked, so as he started to reach for it, I picked it up, took a bite out of it, and said, "That one is mine." I think he was a little startled by that...and perhaps it wasn't the most mature way to solve the problem, but it did solve the problem and he was content with his un-funny, previously-licked sandwich.

1 comment:

Karolyn said...

Sometimes the best way to solve those problems are the "immature' ways. It worked didn't it?! :)

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