Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year

I am not particularly thrilled about starting a new year...and the only reason I really have for that is that I don't like odd numbers as much as I like even numbers! Weird, I know, but somehow 2011 just doesn't have the same ring to it as 2010 does. Oh well, 2011 is here and I'm sure it'll be a great year. It's started off well--Adam and I have been spending time with his parents and siblings for the past couple of days and having a nice time.
We went and saw Tangled today, and I liked it...although in my multicultural children's lit class last semester we discussed the "evil empire" (Disney)--they have some issues that definitely need to be considered, such as stealing the Lion King storyline, promoting racism and stereotypes (such as in Aladdin), and gender issues (and honestly, pretty much every Disney movie could be considered to have gender issues), so part of me is wary of Disney right now. It'll be interesting to see what conversation and criticism this movie generates.
The obvious topic of conversation here would be what resolutions I've made...but I haven't made any. I'll have to sit down and think up some goals, but at the same time, I actually do that fairly regularly so I'm not feeling an urgent push to do that right now. But here's hoping 2011 will be a fabulous year--it could be the best one ever, since Adam and I will finally have NO SCHOOL and be able to spend more time with each other.

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