Monday, January 10, 2011

My Startling New Year's Resolution

I don't want to read as much.

GASP! Yes, I really said it. I even put it in print. I don't want to read as much.

I spend a lot of time reading, and lately I've realized I spend too much time reading stuff I don't even like. I'm always on a quest for a great book...but in that quest, I spend a lot of time reading books that aren't that great at all. So, I hereby resolve to better trust my instincts and stop reading a book when I realize I don't like it, rather than forcing myself to finish, hoping it will get better. Well, even if it "gets better" at the end, is a good ending enough to make up for a crummy beginning and middle? I've decided NO, it does not. Hence, I will stop reading crummy books as soon as I realize they are crummy, rather than suffering through them in their entirety.

Also, I've come to realize that maybe it's time to develop other talents and interests. I already know how to read; I'm pretty good at it. :) But there are lots of other things I'd like to learn how to do that I probably will never get around to if I keep reading so much.

And so, I hereby resolve to spend less time reading crummy books and more time pursuing other interests and developing other talents.

(Wow, that was kinda painful...maybe because I started a really good book on Saturday!)

1 comment:

Karolyn said...

wow. I am a little surprised but good for you! I'm sure you will find some other fun things that you are also REALLY good at!

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