Monday, January 10, 2011


This morning, Adam had toast with butter and jelly; a little later, I decided I wanted toast with peanut butter. As I was rinsing the jelly off the knife so I could put it in the peanut butter, it occurred to me that perhaps I have some OCD tendencies about PB&J.

I wouldn't rinse the peanut butter off the knife before putting it in the jelly, but apparently putting a knife with jelly in the peanut butter is unacceptable. Perhaps this is because I always, always, always when making PB&J start with the peanut butter. Always. I spread the peanut butter on one slice of bread, wipe any excess peanut butter on the other slice of bread, then spread the jelly on top of the peanut butter on the first slice of bread, wipe the excess jelly on the rim of the jelly jar, and apply the second slice of bread to the top of my freshly PB&J-ed slice of bread. Viola. I'm not entirely certain why it has to be done in that precise manner, but it does.

Anyone else have PB&J OCD?

1 comment:

Breanne said...

I have definitely thought about this. Here is my logic: Jelly goes in the fridge, and peanut butter does not (at least, not my peanut butter, because it doesn't need to be refrigerated). So: if you get peanut butter in the jelly it's not a big deal because it just goes in the fridge. But if you put jelly in the peanut butter, then the jelly sits out with the peanut butter and then who knows what sorts of bad things happen because it doesn't get refrigerated when it's supposed to be.
Wow. Maybe I am OCD, after all.

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